All of our calendars are custom created to your requirements, making them the perfect solution for your next calendar.
Flip Calendars
Option 1
Flip style calendar, stapled in the middle with a hole punched at the top so you can hang it.
Open size: 297 x 420 mm
Option 2
Flip style calendar, wire bound at the top with a loop in the middle used to hang it on a hook.
Size: 210 x 297 mm
Tear Off Calendar
A tear off calendar with the top half of the calendar remaining the same through the year. Each month is on an individual sheet of paper so you can tear it off at the end of the month. Stapled in the middle with a hole punched at the top to hang.
Full size: 297 x 420mm
Calendar month size: 297 x 210 mm
Laminated Wall Planner
Laminated wall planners are great for any office space as they are large enough to write in key dates and track projects.
Size: Up to A1
Single sided printing only.